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We all know that ‘many hands make light work’ and that a ‘team is stronger than the individual,’ but is that relevant concerning personal finances?

We 100% Believe So!

The real strength behind the CalTier fund is that it leverages the power of the crowd. The Multi-Family assets we invest in are incredibly desirable to many companies and institutions looking to purchase them.


For most people, they are entirely out of reach.


Not least because you often have to be an accredited investor and invest a minimum of $250K+ each time. Also, your money can be ‘tied up’ for at least three years and often more. The CalTier Fund Levels The Playing Field When we combine 1’000 likeminded investors (you) who want to benefit from commercial real estate, add in technology & fund management, then leverage CalTier’s network, we can provide a platform that gives access to play with the ‘big leagues.’ We have investors that invest $500, $5,000, $10,000, $20,000, and even more. Everyone contributes and helps build a fund that grows and grows as we invest in more assets. Start Your Investment Today

You do not need to be an accredited investor to invest in the fund and can start with just $500. You can add to this as you go and invest from your Self Directed IRA to benefit from the tax advantages those provide. Just select this option when investing.

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  • Diverse Multi-Family Portfolio

  • Open to Non-Accredited Investors

  • $500 Minimum
  • Low Fees*

  • Redemption Flexibility*

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