Is Real Estate Part of your Retirement Plan?
It is generally agreed that a balanced portfolio is a sensible strategy for most folks planning their finances for retirement. But what does this usually look like? Typically, most people have some mix of directly owned stocks or through a mutual fund or EFT, bonds, and perhaps some other asset classes. Real Estate is considered a solid alternative to adding to the mix. Why? It often performs as well as the S&P 500 (historically, this has been the case, as seen in this article) but doesn't tend to fluctuate as stocks do. So there is a little more confidence and ...
Why we love Multi-Family
Everyone tends to agree that real estate is a great asset class to have as part of your portfolio. In fact, much of the wealth of America is based on real estate investments, and this continues to be the case despite the pandemic. But not all real estate is created equal. As with any investing strategy, a balanced portfolio is probably the right strategy. However, certain types of real estate investments tend to outperform others. Multi-Family is one of these. What's the deal with Multi-Family? We believe some fundamentals make Multi-Family an excellent asset class. You can also leverage the ...