Using a Self-Directed IRA for Real Estate Investments

If you have been following CalTier for any length of time, you have likely seen the term 'self-directed IRA' mentioned several times on our website or in emails.   So what is a Self-Directed IRA? Self-directed IRAs (often called SDIRA for short) are self-directed individual retirement accounts that many favor in conjunction with a traditional Roth IRA. The big difference with a self-directed IRA is that these accounts can hold various alternative investments, such as real estate or an investment into a company. A custodian company administers them; however, you decide where the monies are invested as the account owner. ...

June 10th, 2021|

Is Real Estate Part of your Retirement Plan?

It is generally agreed that a balanced portfolio is a sensible strategy for most folks planning their finances for retirement. But what does this usually look like? Typically, most people have some mix of directly owned stocks or through a mutual fund or EFT, bonds, and perhaps some other asset classes. Real Estate is considered a solid alternative to adding to the mix. Why? It often performs as well as the S&P 500 (historically, this has been the case, as seen in this article) but doesn't tend to fluctuate as stocks do. So there is a little more confidence and ...

April 4th, 2021|