How can I enable the “Auto Invest” feature in my account?

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  4. How can I enable the “Auto Invest” feature in my account?

How can I enable the “Auto Invest” feature in my account?

After creating your initial investment, you can contribute to your investment monthly by enabling our “Auto Invest” feature. This allows you to create automated transactions via ACH for the amount and date of the month you prefer.

  • 1. Log in to your account
  • 2. Select the option ‘Portfolio’
  • 3. Choose ‘TRANSACTIONS’
  • 4. At the bottom right side of the screen, you will see the option “Enable”. Click on that button and you will be able to choose the amount you want to invest monthly.
  • 5. A key step in this process is to click the pencil icon to set a payment method for this feature
  • 6. Click on the blue button “save”
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